Automate hourly pay, holiday pay, and tax calculations
Hire & Retain Your Team
Manage all employee information in a single platform
Post jobs, track applicants, and onboard staff paperlessly
Complete tax filings, new hire reporting, and payroll setup
Track document expirations, including licenses, certifications, and visas
Schedule in Seconds
Use AI-powered machine learning to forecast sales and labor with data pulled from your POS
Auto-generate schedules with custom rules for easy planning
Streamline hours directly into payroll for one-click processing
Manage shift swaps, releases, and time-off requests from a single view
Track Hours Like Clockwork
Send employee labor tracking data straight to payroll
Save thousands by automating clock-in rules and tracking
Prevent buddy punching with facial recognition and photo capture on mobile or tablet
Flag and alert when employees work outside their scheduled shifts, including overtime
Customize Your Reports
View dashboards and metrics instantly with the click of a button
Get real-time, customized KPI alerts when labor, sales, or other metrics exceed set thresholds
Access your organization’s performance data in one comprehensive dashboard
Integrate with POS systems for up-to-date labor and sales reports
Built for Breweries
Push can help your business boost profits and streamline operations with integrated payroll, scheduling, time tracking, HR, and reporting—in one easy-to-use platform.
Learn How This Well Known Franchise Is Saving 576 Hours on Payroll Every Year!
“Push Operations has been an amazing partner, providing us with all our scheduling and payroll needs — it's truly a value and solution driven platform…”
Suman Dhaliwal
"I recommend Push every single time I hear of someone who has opened up a new business, not even just QSR, but anyone who has a small business in general...”
Tom Mahn
"Things that used to be done manually can now be done automatically [with Push] and there are tools to make [payroll processing] easy.”
Anna Tran
"Sometimes a canned product doesn’t work for all businesses. Push is able to offer a flexible solution, tailored to individual businesses' needs."
“A great and easy to use platform backed by a wonderful team! The platform is simple to use and effective in both payroll and people reporting…”
Taylor Chobotiuk
“I've been using Push software for over 3 years and in addition to the hour savings for myself, it's allowed me to easily delegate scheduling and shift changes to my staff…”
Brad Silberg
“Integrating Push into our POS system has made it incredibly easy for sales and labor forecasting.”
Tyler Rutherford
“We use Push at all 16 of our restaurants. Push Operations has simplified managing labor and saves us thousands of [dollars] a month…”
James Gallagher
Savings on Tap
Sharp tools make light work. Book a free consultation today to see how Push can be the secret ingredient to your brewery.